Payday ii is well known equally well for its heisting and criminal gameplay as it is for the numerous and iconic masks the game contains. Choosing the perfect mask and customizing information technology to make information technology your own is almost just as fun as blasting your manner through waves of enemies dead attack stopping your criminal shenanigans.

In that location are hundreds of masks in Payday 2, although many of these are slight variations on other masks or look extremely similar to others. A cracking mask in the Payday series is unique and stands out (although realistically this would be a terrible idea for whatsoever criminal).

Updated On Jan eight, 2022, Past William Quick: Ther are games that are meant to exist played with teammates and Payday ii is one of them. Y'all need to play with those yous're paired with to have whatever chance of success and survival. Still, you'll want to have some flair to gear up yourself apart and these masks are the all-time manner to do that.

fifteen Mask of the Moon

Mask of the Moon mask from PAYDAY 2

The Mask of the Moon is conspicuously inspired past the Legend of Zelda game Majora's Mask as information technology is identical to the titular mask. The mask was function of the Humble Mask Pack 4, which is officially no longer available.

The Mask of the Moon is a vibrant and unique mask that stands out from the crowd. The mask has the same iconic and terrifying grimace and bulging eyes every bit information technology does from the source material, but it has non translated over to the world of Payday particularly well as it has an uncanny valley experience to it.

14 The Skull

The Classic Skull Mask

Sometimes the best cosmetics are the classics. The original masks from the Payday two lineup are iconic, but they've continued to add to it with the wide range of Skull masks that the game has to offering.

Skull masks are one of the near straightforward to earn through gameplay. All you demand to do is complete a heist on its respective difficulties and you lot'll be rewarded with a Skull mask. The harder-to-earn masks definitely wait more gnarly, but the Normal Skull is a classic that leaves plenty of room for customization.

thirteen Electrarodent

Electrarodent mask from PAYDAY 2

The Electrarodent is another mask inspired by a Nintendo game, this time the timeless Pokemon franchise and a certain electric yellow creature. The mask was part of the Humble Mask Pack iii, which is officially no longer available.

Information technology's another unique mask that has a different shape compared to most masks in the game, and it's patently a skilful option for large Pokemon fans. Still, the mask does feel similar to the one you would become if you ordered a Pokemon costume off of Wish. It has a hyperrealistic look to it, and it almost makes you remember that a generic rat mask was purchased and painted over to plow it into a Pikachu mask.

12 The Bibelot

The Alienware Anomaly Mask

It'due south always a grey area whenever a game decides to partner with a brand in order to promote them through in-game content. However, in that location's always the chance that information technology will lead to some interesting or entertaining assets and designs.

An example would be the Anomaly mask, courtesy of Alienware. Though it was made bachelor through the now-defunct Alienware Mask Pack DLC, it made an impact with its futuristic and ominous-looking appearance that would strike fearfulness into civilians and cops akin.

11 War Balaclava

War Balaclava mask from PAYDAY 2

The War Balaclava is a mix betwixt a balaclava and a winter bobble chapeau. The mask requires the Gage Russian Weapon Pack DLC and is unlocked when y'all kill 32 enemies without reloading the Tatonka Submachine Gun.

The mask would exist ideal for colder climates and seasons as information technology would go along you perfectly warm, but in all other situations, it would be uncomfortable. The mask has a DIY feel to it as it is a bobble hat that has had someone cut the holes out of it to create a makeshift balaclava.

ten Hockey Rut

Hockey Heat mask from PAYDAY 2

The Hockey Estrus mask is inspired past the 1995 moving picture Heat and was added alongside the Armored Ship DLC. It is unlocked by joining the official Payday ii Steam Community Group.

It'southward no undercover that Rut was an inspiration for the Payday series. During the First World Bank Heist in both Payday: The Heist and Payday two, there is a chance that AI coiffure members volition quote Heat's iconic banking company robbery speech communication word for word. The Hockey Heat mask is the exact mask worn during a truck heist in Estrus. While the mask itself is elementary, it's a great reference to one of the best crime films of all time.

9 Mega Kawaii

The Very Happy Mega Kawaii Mask

When you think about banking company robbers, a number of images will wink through your head. Throughout films and games we've seen a number of different gangs wearing thematic masks and anything goes as long as it covers your face effectively.

Yet, y'all're probably not expecting to come across them wearing anime girl masks like the Mega Kawaii. As part of the Completely Overkill Pack DLC, putting on this mask would definitely brand an impression even if it's one of full bewilderment.

8 Shirai

Shirai mask from PAYDAY 2

The Shirai mask is function of the Cuff Ninja Pack DLC and is unlocked by having three enemies poisoned past a poison weapon at the same time.

The Shirai mask is based on the men-yoroi Japanese facial armor that the samurai wore in feudal Nihon. The Shirai only covers from the nose and below, leaving much of the face up visible whilst concealing the mouth and parts of the nose. The mask has engravings and sharp teeth on it, giving it a lovely depth of particular. This is the perfect mask for y'all heisters that wish yous could live out your samurai fantasy.

7 Guess

The Authoritative Judge Mask

At that place are a lot of titles that control authority and they're not easily earned. If y'all were to put on this intimidating mask, you would automatically be awarded the championship of Gauge.

This mask was added to the game through the Apprehensive Bundle Mask Pack DLC which included several Judge masks that you could swap between to find whichever fits yous best. No matter which ane you lot select, y'all volition exist going into heists every bit a figure expected to punish those who are unlucky enough to get caught.

6 Sokol

 Sokol mask from PAYDAY 2

If you lot own the Sokol character pack, you will immediately be given admission to the Sokol mask. Before turning to his criminal career, Sokol played as a grinder in ice hockey, which taught him the importance of protecting his face.

His mask appears to be a modified hockey mask with a dripping red star on the forepart, referencing his Russian origins. The mask is intimidating as one tin can't assist comparison the dripping upshot of the star to the vast amounts of blood that Sokol will spill.

5 The 37th

The 37th mask from PAYDAY 2

The 37th is an Armored Send DLC mask that can be obtained via card drops. The mask is titled The 37th as it is a mask of the 37th President of the United states of america, Richard Nixon.

Richard Nixon is infamous for his "I'm non a crook" quote despite overwhelming evidence to the opposite, which makes him the perfect politician to dress as during your crime spree. The mask is some other homage to 90s crime films, with the film in question this time being Point Break, in which the heisters known as the Ex-Presidents dress as onetime Presidents whilst seeking their thrills. Patrick Swayze's character Bodhi is also a playable grapheme in Payday 2.

four Sugariness Tooth

Sweet Tooth mask from PAYDAY 2

The Sweet Tooth mask is named and designed after the graphic symbol from the Twisted Metal serial. Information technology was a free download for the PS3.

Clown masks are an iconic office of the Payday games, so information technology's only fair that ane is included in the list. Sweet Tooth is the verbal type of clown that gives people nightmares and lends more than a bit of relatable rhyme and reason to coulrophobia. The terrifying grin and blood-red eye are enough to make anyone fear for their life. Unfortunately, equally dainty as the mask is (peculiarly for the fans of Twisted Metal), information technology is only bachelor on the PS3. It makes sense that it would be sectional to Sony platforms, but not being on the PS4 is just a letdown.

three Tane

Tane mask from PAYDAY 2

The Tane mask was added as role of the Point Break DLC, and unlocking it is no like shooting fish in a barrel task. You must get 10 unscoped headshots in a row with the Platypus 70 sniper burglarize to unlock the Tane mask.

The Tane mask is a fearsome-looking wooden mask. The mask features complex patterns and engravings, which gives information technology an incredibly distinct artful. The Tane mask is a great mask not simply because of its looks, only because it demonstrates the skill necessary to land those no-scopes.

2 Ameonna

The Shadow Warrior Ameonna Mask

When a game has a detailed or unique design, it'south just natural to want to include elements of it in other titles. That'due south exactly what happened to Shadow Warrior and Payday 2 with their large 130 Update in 2017.

This resulted in several masks beingness added into the game of which the most beautiful even so terrifying is Ameonna. Appearing as a powerful villain in Shadow Warrior, she lends her likeness to a mask that makes y'all experience like y'all dominion the shadows while taking on dangerous missions in the heart of the day.

1 Mega Death Wish

 Mega Death Wish mask from PAYDAY 2

The Completely Overkill Pack was available during the Hype Railroad train Event, which ran from Feb v to March 12, 2015. This pack was sold to help fund the developers' work on the event.

One of the reasons the Mega Death Wish mask is then valued is that information technology'due south a mask that can no longer be obtained, and information technology's rarely seen. 50,000 copies of the pack were sold in 2015, and some of those that bought the pack may no longer fifty-fifty play the game. The chances of seeing this mask during your fourth dimension playing are slim, which merely makes it that much cooler.

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